Fort Bend County MUD 149 (FB MUD 149) wants residents to understand how property taxes are calculated in Texas.
Your property's value is assessed each year on January 1st by the appraisal district and used to calculate your tax bill. Once the values are certified by the county appraisal district, the Board of Directors sets the tax rate for Fort Bend County MUD 149 based on input from their financial consultants. Your tax bill is calculated by multiplying your property’s appraised value by the tax rate. There are a few exemptions that may apply to you, such as the Homestead for individuals who are over 65 or older.
You can protest your property value with FBCAD if you think it is incorrect. Local entities set tax rates, and exemptions may apply. You should expect to receive your property tax bill in the mail by the end of November. You have until the end of January 31st of the next year to pay it without penalty.

- Your property's value is assessed every January 1st.
- You can protest your appraised value if you think it is too high or low.
- Local entities set their own tax rates.
- There are a few exemptions that may apply to you.
- You have until the end of January to pay your property tax bill without penalty.
Watch this informational video produced by the Association of Water Board Directors to learn more.